German version

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Book voucher promotion to mark World Book Day hits new participation record

The book voucher promotion ‘Ich schenk dir eine Geschichte’ (I’ll give you a story) that marks World Book Day in Germany on 23 April achieved a new record this year: 32,000 school classes from years 4 and 5 signed up for the promotion, which was sponsored by ‘Stiftung Lesen’ (Reading Foundation), the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, the cbj-Verlag publishing house, Deutsche Post and ZDF – approximately 30 per cent more classes than the previous year. Around 750,000 pupils will receive their own personal copy of this year’s World Book Day book, Der Wald der Abenteuer (The Forest of Adventure), from their local bookshop in April. Additionally, thanks to the dedication of participating libraries and other initiatives, a total of 1.1 million copies of the novella that Jürgen Banscherus wrote specially for World Book Day will be presented to young readers as gifts this year. More about the book Der Wald der Abenteuer: